Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Chapter 20

“Hattie must have left the pot made last night.” She went to the sink and tossed out the cup and then the pot.

Hattie had looked at her puzzled she turned to her and mouthed Jon. Hattie nodded and went over and turned the coffeemaker off. Alex tried to get her attention catching her eye she mouthed Front door, praying that she understood. Hattie looked at her puzzled.

“Hattie why don’t you go get the morning paper?” She stressed the words to get her point across. Then she saw the paper on the table where Jon had left it. Damn that man these kids have worked so hard on this. She thought. Grabbing the paper she handed it to Hattie behind her back. Praying that the kids didn’t see her maneuver.

“Jake and I will go Miss Alex.” Stephanie volunteered.

“No!” She and Hattie said together. “You have to get the juice and pour the glasses and Jake is on bacon duty.” She said trying to cover their goof.

Hattie headed to the front door. When she opened it she was shocked to see Jon there waiting to be let in. The look on his face was priceless.

“Okay Hattie what’s going on?” Jon said trying to get to the bottom of being thrown out of his own house.

“Mr. Jon, You get up to that bedroom and you and Mr. Richie better be asleep!” Hattie ushered him to the stairs. “These kids have been planning this for a week.” She pushed him a little to get him on the first step. “Now get!” she smacked him with the paper.

Jon mumbled his way back up the stairs. Get home and everything is changed, thrown out of my own house, barefooted no less, And Hattie…My sweet tempered housekeeper smacks me with the paper…this is all a dream…I’ll wake up and everything will be back to normal. When he got into the room he noticed Richie was up and dressed. Nope not a dream..must be a nightmare if it was a dream Sambora would be a sexy brunette with green eyes he thought to himself then he stopped…where did the green eyes come from?

Richie looked up at his best buddy, his soul brother. With a puzzled look on his face he went over and put his hand on his forehead. Nope it was cool, and he did have that crazed look in his eyes. Jon looked up at his with a funny look on his face.

“What?” He asked

“You were talking to your self” Richie said

“I think I’m in another, dimension” he walked past Richie and headed over to the bed. “I burnt my mouth on my coffee.” Sitting down on his side of the bed he got in

“Burning your tongue put you in another, dimienson?” Richie was confused, why was he getting back in bed? “Why are you getting back in bed?”

Jon pulled the covers back up. “Alex threw me out of the house and Hattie hit me with the paper.”

Richie was really confused. Heading to the door Jon stopped him.

“I wouldn’t if I were you!” He said as he flipped the covers back on the side Richie had slept on. “She’ll only make you come back and get in bed.”

Richie shook his head and opened the door anyway. There stood Alexis and she wasn’t happy.

“What are you doing up and dressed?” she pushed her way in shutting the door behind her. “Get that shirt off and get back into bed.” She turned him back toward the bed.

Bossy little thing he thought as he took off his shirt and got into bed beside Jon. All that kept running through his mind was the theme from the Twilight Zone.

“Now stay the both of you.” She went to the door turning around to make sure they were still there she huffed. “Don’t make me send Hattie up here to check on you!” she went out the door making sure she didn’t slam it.

Jon looked at Richie and Richie looked at Jon and they both went..
“Do do do do do, Do do do do do” But they stayed in the bed.

Thirty minutes passed and Richie went to get out of bed and Jon grabbed the covers.

“No way in hell do I want Hattie in here!” he said in a whisper “She hit me with the news paper.” He shook his head.

“I’m not afraid of Hattie” he said and when the doorknob turned he jumped back in the bed.

“Not afraid are you?” Jon questioned. Richie smacked him on the arm “Damn it I am tired of getting smacked this morning!” He ruubed his arm and rolled his eyes.

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